We have come a long way since one person would design an entire city, or when carefully crafted ornaments on columns and doors were the only integrative aspects of building. Today, as architecture finds itself at the creative interface between a multitude of disciplines, SAPA’s new video series will take a deeper look at what industries are influencing the field, and what developments to expect in the years and decades to come.

And with that, important questions arise: Is sustainability becoming the main driver of design? What building materials will dominate an architectural landscape increasingly centered on health and safety? And how will the advent of virtual and augmented reality affect how we plan the construction of buildings and cities? In search of answers, the SAPA team has traveled around Europe to meet with the people at the forefront of architectural, design and technological innovation. The first episode will be released on February 21.

SAPA Series with Emma Ridderstad
With a longstanding interest in technology, Ridderstad grew up preferring science publications to teenage magazines. In 2016, she founded her company Warpin Media to help companies and organizations incorporate virtual and augmented content into their business models. While based in Stockholm, Warpin has worked with clients all over the world, including Ferrari, Disney and H&M, and has even developed its own VR and AR and hardware.
SAPA Series with Emma Ridderstad
With a longstanding interest in technology, Ridderstad grew up preferring science publications to teenage magazines. In 2016, she founded her company Warpin Media to help companies and organizations incorporate virtual and augmented content into their business models. While based in Stockholm, Warpin has worked with clients all over the world, including Ferrari, Disney and H&M, and has even developed its own VR and AR and hardware.
COMING SOON-SAPA Series with Caro Lundin
During springtime in 2020, as governments around the world made the panicked decision to lock down their countries in a bid to stop the spread of Covid-19, many predicted that this would spell the death of the co-working space. After all, how could the idea of bringing large numbers of people together around shared desks and common areas not lose its appeal in our new pandemic reality?
COMING SOON-SAPA Series with Caro Lundin
During springtime in 2020, as governments around the world made the panicked decision to lock down their countries in a bid to stop the spread of Covid-19, many predicted that this would spell the death of the co-working space. After all, how could the idea of bringing large numbers of people together around shared desks and common areas not lose its appeal in our new pandemic reality?


Om SAPA Series
Vi är glada över att presentera lanseringen av sin videoserie som kommer att utforska de moderna krafter som formar dagens arkitektur. "Formatet är en minidokumentär med ett tvärvetenskapligt koncept", säger innehålls- och kommunikationsansvarig Hanna Bouveng.
Emma Ridderstad
Med ett långvarigt intresse för teknik växte Ridderstad upp och föredrog vetenskapliga publikationer framför de typiska tonårstidningarna. 2016 grundade hon sitt företag Warpin Media för att hjälpa företag och organisationer att införliva virtuellt innehåll i sina affärsmodeller.
Caro Lundin
Under våren 2020, när länder runt om i världen införde restriktioner och isolering i ett försök att stoppa spridningen av Covid-19, förutspådde många att detta skulle innebära döden för många verksamheter, inte minst i kategorin ”co-working spaces”.